Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Steve & Me

2020 so far ...


When I first told my sister-in-law, Dorothy, that Stephen had been diagnosed with bladder cancer she asked if she could offer a few pieces of advice. She battled and beat breast cancer a few years ago and, since we were newbies, I quickly accepted. These are the two things she said that stick with me today (in my own words) :
  1. People will offer unsolicited advice. Just roll with it...take what you want and forget the rest
  2. Find your best way to let the people you want to know, know what you want them to know (phone calls, text groups, FB, etc)
With #2 in mind, here we are.

I'm really not a blogger so I plan to keep each post short and sweet.

Steve will have 3 rounds of chemo.  His rounds are scheduled like this :

Round 2 Week 2 is scheduled for 11:00 tomorrow at CARTI.
His chemo infusion sessions usually take about 4 to 5 hours.
What we are calling a "Booster Shot" is an injection that promotes the growth of bone marrow. This is intended to boost his immune system by putting more white blood cells in his body.

My observations so far:

  1. The CARTI campus in Little Rock is A-MAZ-ING. The building is beautiful and welcoming
  2. Every single person who works there must have gotten customer service training at Chik-fil-A 
  3. Steve feels well but tires easily
  4. If we have to endure a world-wide pandemic, now is the time.....chemo already has our home stocked like an infirmary and we had already started social distancing. Now we don't feel so left out :-)

Summer 2020 & The Bell

The Bell  Although all lab work and scans showed he was Cancer-free, Steve's oncologist strongly suggested a few rounds of post-surgery ...